Control the calendar, control the content
We help organizations create and maintain editorial calendars.
Email newsletters, Web sites, news pages and blogs —
we show you how to keep it all organized and fresh.

Editorial Consulting
As consultants, we help you and your staff develop story ideas based on your organization’s key messages and talking points.

Learn and Do
We conduct lively half- and full-day workshops with your staff, demonstrating the concept of an editorial calendar and helping to sketch out the next few months.

We review your communications assets, your primary audiences and your key messages. Do they match up? Can the connections be improved?

Let’s pick a date. Put The Calanderizers on your calendar for a consult, a workshop or a brainstorming session.
Who Should Calendarize?


Non-Profit Organizations

Business Leaders

Trade Associations
Why Calendarize?
Control, not chaos.
Shared voice.
Efficiency, effectiveness.
Synergy, internal coordination.
Message consistency.
Cost savings.
Team building.
Editorial Calendar Tips, Resources and How-To Articles
Deploying Your ‘SMEs’ to Attract New Clients
Highlighting the expertise of staff members — “subject matter experts” — can be a great way to gain the attention of your target audience. To ensure that your organization receives maximum benefit from this approach, follow these steps.
5 Tips for Constructing an Effective Audience-Interest Survey
The most important thing to ensure that survey responses guide your communications effectively is to act on them. Once you’ve gone to the trouble of identifying what your audience members want, make sure you reap the benefits of providing them with what they want.
What Does Your Audience Want? Go Straight to the Source
When it comes to learning what current clients, prospective customers, association members or others want to know, nothing beats going straight to the source. By surveying a representative sample of your key audience, you can obtain a breadth of insights quickly and at relatively low – sometimes even no – cost.
Use the ‘360 Degree Process’ to Find Ideas for Your Blog
The “360 Degree Process” is an easy way to get story ideas for your non-profit blog, corporate Intranet or association Web site. Simply stand in the middle of your office, rotate in a circular and make careful observations about everything you see.
Go from “Zero to Message” in Seven Seconds
More people in your audience will “get the message” when you treat the first portion of your communication as the only portion audience members are going to read, see, or hear.